open to the beauty within let your soul breathe

"Let your soul breathe. When you let yourself become quiet,
when you settle into the breath, you find yourself in your heart....
when you live with an open heart, your life will change.
As you burn off the layers of false protection
and unearth your authentic self,
you will begin to live with intention and in union.
Union of body, mind, and spirit.
Union with God, yourself, and others."
- Jen Stone-Sexton
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Psalm 150:6
About Us

Welcome! Whether you are new to Yoga, or are seeking to grow to a new level of your practice, I invite students of all levels, ages, and body types to share our space. As an experienced, certified Yoga instructor I know firsthand how a consistent practice can transform your body and your life.
There’s a lot of misinformation out there about Yoga. Two of the most commonly asked questions I would like to address upfront are:
"Isn’t Yoga a religion?”
No, not at all! It’s an exploration of God’s most beautiful creation – YOU. Yoga a great workout engaging your muscles in new ways. The practice allows you to meditate on God’s peace and truth as you connect with your breath, and your stress melts away.
"Do I need to be flexible for yoga?"
Absolutely not. Yoga is for ALL levels, even if you've never touched a yoga mat before.
My mission is to serve you in living a healthy, empowered life. My teaching style is gentle, inspiring, authentic, compassionate and encouraging. You will find a space of love and acceptance in which to practice. In addition, my commitment to you is to offer an environment where you feel safe and your personal spiritual or religious beliefs respected. I offer Private Individual Sessions and Group Classes.

Jen Stone-Sexton
RYT 200
Certified & Registered Yoga and Stand Up Paddle Board Instructor

Jen Stone-Sexton is passionate about seeing you live a full, free, healthy, empowered life! Her approach is inspiring, gentle, encouraging and authentic. She has been practicing Yoga since 2001, teaching Yoga since 2011, and has completed over 500 hours of teacher training. A significant aspect of the training Jen received focused on human anatomy, proper alignment, safely assisting clients in each exercise, the importance of modifications, and appropriate sequencing of postures for maximum benefit and to prevent injuries.
Jen has consistently taught classes and private sessions since 2011. Her teaching focuses on connecting your breath with the movement of your body. By deepening your breathing and focusing on your breath as you move from one pose to the next, the result is inner calm, clarity, confidence and an overall sense of wellbeing. Jen's teaching style invites you to become more aware of your breath, to create space for clarity and creativity in your mind, and to pay attention to what your body is communicating to you each time you practice.
Jen is a Registered Yoga Instructor (200 RYT) with Yoga Alliance - which upholds the highest professional standards in yoga and acknowledges the completion of a Yoga teacher training with an approved and active Registered Yoga School (RYS) - and is also a Certified FloYo®, Level 1 Paddle Fit and World Paddle Association Instructor for Stand-Up Paddle Boarding (SUP).
For individualized instruction in a safe and encouraging space, I invite you to email me at
​"A consistent yoga practice has taught me how to connect with the breath, come into stillness, accept, let go, heal, and challenge myself in new ways. Over time, I noticed internal changes taking place as well as how my body was changing. My yoga practice is a process and a journey that has transformed my life on every level in subtle and not-so subtle ways. The body, mind, spirit, and emotions are interconnected. To nurture one, is to nurture all. We are whole, yet often live fragmented. The practice of yoga brings us back to a state of wholeness. Of awareness. Of presence. From that place of wholeness within, we can then be and give so much more than we ever dreamed possible. To me, teaching is ministry. It is the opportunity and the privilege of sharing with you and providing the tools that have helped me to live a healthier, happier, fuller life! As we live empowered, we empower others!" - Jen Stone-Sexton

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Individual, Guided Private Instruction and Group Classes are structured with the intention and desire to help you flow from pose to pose focusing on proper alignment, personal awareness, and breath. Allowing the breath to fuel your practice enables you to target muscle groups, quiet the mind, and energize the body. A consistent yoga practice will transform your body and refresh your spirit both on and off the mat.

Private Instruction
A Private Session is individualized one-on-one coaching in a safe space. Each session is customized to your specific fitness level and goals. You will receive assists for proper alignment as well as guidance in each posture. Sessions are 60 minutes. Zoom sessions are available. (Zoom link will be sent 30 minutes prior to your scheduled session.)
Power Flow Basics
Power Flow Yoga is a flowing form of yoga that heals, detoxifies, energizes, builds strength, and increases flexibility while linking each breath with movement of the body. A consistent practice enables you to heal internally and to release, one layer at a time, that which holds you back, both physically and mentally. Postures can be modified to create your own individual experience. The goal of Power Flow Basics is to make the postures accessible to you where you are...not for you to conform to some perceived ideal or sequence. This practice leaves you feeling energized, uplifted, and centered. Classes are 75 minutes.
Gentle Flow
This class will guide you inward as you move and connect with your breath. Class is a gentle flow to warm your body, open your joints and deepen your breath. This class moves at a pace that is more accessible for those who are new to the practice of Yoga. Classes are 60 minutes.
​Restore and Renew
Restorative Yoga for Deep Relaxation. Unwind and de-stress. Ease into a healing yoga practice that releases tension in your body and stress in your mind. Class may incorporate a breathing meditation as well as a sequence of postures that are simple and restorative to the body. The slower pace and longer holds allow you to connect with your breath, release tension, and exercise the muscles in a gentle way. At times you will be supported with blocks and bolsters as you hold the postures to help your body open up on a deeper level. You will come away from this class feeling clear, expansive, and relaxed. Classes are 60 minutes.
Foundation to Power
Our 6-week Beginner Series is designed for new and experienced students looking to build a strong and solid foundation. This class is taught at a slower pace, breaking down the poses, and answering questions along the way. Each week will build on the next culminating in completing a dynamic Power Flow! Particular emphasis is given to deepening your knowledge of breath, alignment, human anatomy, and cues often used in classes. Classes are 75 minutes.
SUP and SUP Yoga
One-on-one basic Stand Up Paddle (SUP) board instruction and paddle board yoga is also offered at local area lakes. Rent or bring your own board. Waiver must be signed before session.
Please e-mail to schedule your session!

Private Session - $50.00 per session
Private Session - $50.00 per session
​$15.00 per person/class
Special events, weddings, and family gatherings considered and priced individually based on location and number of participants.
Please contact Jen directly at
The lotus flower grows in muddy water and blooms in purity and sunlight. It is the only plant to fruit and flower simultaneously. It is a symbol of creation, of the continual and timeless process of birth and re-birth. Beauty can bloom from the deepest of wounds, when surrendered to God for His purposes. Many of us have experienced deep emotional wounds in life for a variety of reasons including abuse, neglect, loss, and/or trauma. Many others feel stressed out or a sense of living fragmented, disconnected lives. While I firmly believe that ultimate healing only comes from and through the love of God, we have our part in the healing process. God does not do for us what we can do for ourselves, and we cannot do what only a living, sovereign, gracious, loving God can.
The body, soul (mind, will, and emotions) and spirit are intricately connected. One affects all the others. The body and mind store emotional pain often creating physical symptoms of pain and dis-ease. Healing is facilitated through the consistent practice of yoga postures, breathing and meditation providing a greater sense of balance and harmony in our mind and in the physical systems of our body. In addition, when we study ourselves and our behaviors within the yoga practice, we can become aware of our old behaviors, thoughts, patterns, and habits, freeing us to new possibilities of creating a more loving, peaceful, powerful, healthy, joyful, balanced life through the conscious choices we make.
"Be beautiful inside, in your hearts, with the lasting charm of a gentle and quiet spirit that is precious to God."
1 Peter 3:4

"Sometimes it is necessary to reteach a thing its loveliness...
until it flowers again from within..."
- Galway Kinnell

What is Yoga? Yoga is a Sanskrit word which means "union", "to unite or join". Very simply, yoga can be to unite the breath with the movement of the body. It can be to join the thoughts with the breath. Historically, Yoga was a way of life developed in India by the Vedic culture and has been practiced for more than 5,000 years. Yoga integrates the mind, body, and spirit. It is not a religion but a practical aid. A tool for life. Yoga makes existing faith stronger and purer. Yoga is a path toward quieting your mind, and when you are able to get quiet, you can listen better and deepen your connection to yourself...and therefore others and the world around you.
Yoga does not teach what to do or not do, it teaches how to be. For many of us the mind is usually playing out into the future trying to predict or control what will happen or replaying the past and old experiences. Internationally known Yoga teacher and author, Baron Baptiste says, Be Here Now. Break down the word - Now-here or No-where. The present moment is all we really have. Yoga teaches us to be present. To be here now, so we avoid ending up nowhere.
Yoga encompasses four major Yogic paths: Karma Yoga (yoga of selfless action), Jnana Yoga (philosophical path), Bhakti Yoga (devotional path), and Raja Yoga (scientific path, which includes ashtanga, meaning "8-Limbs"). Hatha Yoga falls under Raja Yoga. Hatha Yoga (Ha=sun, Tha=moon) is one of the 8 Limbs and is based on postures (asanas) and breathing (pranayama) - another of the 8 Limbs. The purpose of sharing all of this information is for you to understand that there are as many options in yoga as there are personalities. Take what you like, what works for you, and leave the rest.

Benefits of Yoga: Yoga in the West is now more vibrant and widespread than ever. About 20 million Americans practice yoga and enjoy its health benefits. No matter who or where you are, you can practice yoga in some form and benefit from it. Yoga has been shown to improve the quality of life both physically and mentally. With regular practice, the benefits can be many. Yoga is known to reduce stress, increase mental clarity, improve concentration, lower blood pressure, build physical strength, open and strengthen joints, increase flexibility, improve cardiovascular health, improve circulation, strengthen the spine (the "house" of the Central Nervous System), improve posture, improve balance, aid in overcoming depression, facilitate deeper sleep, improve mood, and provide an overall sense of wellbeing.
Poses: The poses are named for the shapes they resemble. To keep it simple, the poses are spoken in English instead of Sanskrit.
Meditation: Simply put, Meditation is focused thought. Let's di-mystify meditation. It is not just for monks, nuns, or saints. It is not a form of religion. Meditation is an awareness of the cycle of our thoughts and the choice to remember to come back to our breath, letting go of mental distractions. "Meditation opens our inherent qualities of relaxation, focus, clarity, peace, and contentment." (Sid McNairy) If we can release the stress in our body, the mental chatter of our mind, and focus on our breath, we can access a depth of peace that allows us to remain calm instead of reactive in our daily life. In our full and busy lives, meditation provides us the opportunity to simply be still and breathe. So that everyone feels comfortable and safe, Jen Stone Yoga is committed to guiding you in meditation that is simply focused on the breath and releasing tension in the body.
Namaste - what does it mean and why is it said at the end of each class? Namaste is Sanskrit and is a word that stands for a phrase interpreted to mean, "I honor the Spirit of God in you, which is the same in me." It is said at the end of each class as an acknowledgement of respect. Respect is a spiritual power of dignity. Namaste is to bow in respect to all we meet, and in gratitude for the gift of life and all that we are blessed with. When the instructor and class say, "Namaste" it is a practice of the power of respect.

Our Policies
I request a 24 hour notice to reschedule or cancel a private session, with the exception of sudden illness.
On very rare occasions, with consideration for the safety of all, I may cancel class due to inclement weather. I do my best to notify you in a timely manner. Zoom is also available.
It is expected that Instructors, Participants, and Property be treated with courtesy and respect. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated.
Jen Stone Yoga reserves the right to request anyone refusing to observe our Policies or Yoga Room Rules and Etiquette to leave the studio. No refunds will be given in the unlikelihood of such event.
New Students:
Please arrive 10-15 minutes before class start time to complete paperwork and set up.
Athletic clothing is recommended.
Bring water and a yoga mat.
Mats are available for purchase.
Enter with an open mind and a peaceful heart.
A willingness to learn is required, not flexibility! ​
Everyone starts with their first willing to try something new. Give yourself the space and time to learn and grow. Remember to smile and breathe! I am here to provide encouragement for you. My goal is to help you feel comfortable and at ease. We want you to feel welcome and safe, with a desire to return again and again as well as to bring your family and friends with you.
In a short time and after a few classes, your body will shift, you will begin to see you are mentally sharper. You will find a walk that heightens your spirit. Give yourself a few months, and as you find a consistent practice, you will find ease in your days, your body will be stronger and more flexible, and you will exude more inner calm and confidence.

Home Studio
Just like any home, we have house rules and etiquette to ensure everyone gets the most out of their experience.
Please arrive 5-10 minutes before your private session or the class start time to sign-in, set up, and so that we may start and end class ON time.
Please be respectful of our neighbors when parking.
Doors are open 15 minutes before session or class.
Please remove shoes upon entering.
Everyone must sign in upon arrival for classes.
Please turn off all cell phones when you enter – absolutely no cell phones during your yoga practice.
Keep all personal belongings locked in your car or with your shoes in the entry way, cell phone included. (All students are personally responsible for the safety of their own belongings.)
No late entries after 10 minutes past the class start time.
Please stay through the end of class.
Please do not wear scented perfume, oils, or lotion in the studio.
No gum and no glass in the yoga studio. All water containers must be sealed or have a lid.
Please practice proper hygiene.
If you have to leave class early, please let the instructor know before class begins and set your mat near the back of the room.
Practice with an open heart and mind - focus on your own body and your own practice - Drop judgments and comparisons, they steal joy. Measure yourself by your own progress, not another person's abilities or appearance.
Have fun! Don't take yourself seriously. Each practice is different.
For the safety of all, doors are locked at class start time.